Well, that’s not at all suspicious…
she could also hold the football in place so you can run up and kick it if you want
I could imagine Clair holding the ball for Chloe just for Clair to move it last second because Achilles would have done a switcheroo:clair-surprise::achilles-wonder:
This is suvh a funny image, thank you :achilles-plush:
This goober is up to somethin’.
I smell something cooking, it smells like yuri.
waiter! oh waiter! more yuri please!
Truly said like someone who’s about to headbutt you
Ok so like are they siblings or romantically involved or just besties or what. What’s going on here
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Well, that’s not at all suspicious…
she could also hold the football in place so you can run up and kick it if you want
I could imagine Clair holding the ball for Chloe just for Clair to move it last second because Achilles would have done a switcheroo:clair-surprise::achilles-wonder:
This is suvh a funny image, thank you :achilles-plush:
This goober is up to somethin’.
I smell something cooking, it smells like yuri.
waiter! oh waiter! more yuri please!
Truly said like someone who’s about to headbutt you
Ok so like are they siblings or romantically involved or just besties or what. What’s going on here