Hello From Halo Head is an exploration of the multitudes a person experiences as a response to trauma. Also cartoon animal adventures. I promise it’s mostly funny. it’s a trauma comedy! a TRAUMEDY!!!!
CONTENT WARNING: Although the setting draws from arguably tamer traditions (Winnie-the-Pooh, Beatrix Potter, Animal Crossing, MLP, Neopets, etc), this comic will have dark themes, (im)mature language and potentially upsetting moments. Use your own discretion when reading.
Update schedule: Whenever I want. There are usually about 100 updates per year. Depends on what else I have going on. There is an RSS feed you can use.
Support: This project does not have a Patreon or any paywalls. if you feel inclined.
Who makes this: Me! Batty. (@batshaped on most platforms.) I’m a storyboard artist in Burbank, CA. I do this when I’m not at work or asleep or eating human flesh or whatever. Don’t worry about it.