there are 2 kinds of people in the world
those that are fascinated by lighthouses
and people who aren’t nerds :clair-what2:
but the christmas lights on the gallery are a nice touch!
Many people who are said to be lazy really aren’t. They have executive dysfunction. That is, they want to do stuff, but they have mental barriers that tell them they can’t. It’s possible to recover from it, or so I’ve been told. I’m still struggling with it. If these two are in headspace, it feels a lot like this at times.
To be clear, I’m not a doctor, I’m a patient with a diagnosis, which may not be yours even if you have similar symptoms to min. Finances permitting, seek professional help rather than taking advice of Internet randos. Good luck, good health.
there are 2 kinds of people in the world
those that are fascinated by lighthouses
and people who aren’t nerds :clair-what2:
but the christmas lights on the gallery are a nice touch!
It’s so fun to re-read this comic and see how the art style has evolved :clair-cute: also the emotes are very cute!
Many people who are said to be lazy really aren’t. They have executive dysfunction. That is, they want to do stuff, but they have mental barriers that tell them they can’t. It’s possible to recover from it, or so I’ve been told. I’m still struggling with it. If these two are in headspace, it feels a lot like this at times.
To be clear, I’m not a doctor, I’m a patient with a diagnosis, which may not be yours even if you have similar symptoms to min. Finances permitting, seek professional help rather than taking advice of Internet randos. Good luck, good health.
i think it could be a multitude of things but it being executive dysfunction would imply she *wants* to do stuff