I know that it’s REALLY NOT FAIR to make this association, but I fear the possibility of Pepper being a mirror of the adult who was in Chloe’s memory. I WANT TO BELIEVE HE’LL HELP HER. But I’m afraid that this comic is… basically a funny colorful animal-ified recurrence of The Incident that led to Chloe’s trauma. Like, I can /so easily/ see Pepper not being the good guy here. The ‘understanding, you can talk to me any time’ kind of person who you feel comfortable with, you get close to, but then like… Maybe things go down a bad path. One thing leads to another. And suddenly you’re in a situation you never should have been in. I’ve /seen/ first-hand grooming situations that started perfectly innocent but slowly changed into something they should never have been.
I hold onto the hope that Pepper is JUST here to be support for Chloe, nothing more.
Not to be rude, but I feel like you’re projecting a LOT on Pepper here. Like an uncomfortable amount. Pepper isn’t perfect but we’ve been given no reason to suspect him of any serious wrongdoing and it’s a bit of a leap to go from “dog boy welcomes you in and listens to you” to “dog boy is a groomer.”
Pepper has been doing things that make people trust him*. Someone could be doing things to get people to trust them in order to abuse them later. However, nothing has indicated that Pepper has any ill intent, and he has shown genuine care for the people around him on multiple occasions. Just because someone is acting trustworthy doesn’t mean they can’t be trusted.
*When he’s not busy money laundering or being nosy.
Bro really almost said “Just go climb a tree and eat a peach or something” like dude, she’s trying to reach out and forgive you for that “Everything’s a joke to you” comment (Even tho you didn’t realize you fucked up) like holy crap she needs someone to cut her a fuckin break, please be nice…
well, his arm shifted, so it may just be a shift in visible perspective. however it could also be an artistic choice, maybe to indicate pepper putting aside what has been on his mind since the walk he and achilles took to the edge?
two things: pepper changes his mind his as she turns her body, revealing the book she’s holding.
theres also a weird something off on the right side of the second panel, looks like chloe but a motion blur? im half wondering if its an error or not lol
that’s just how motion is shown throughout the comic, there’s a couple other places it shows up like this, such as mars putting a sticky note on pepper’s head or pepper handing the dumbell to achilles. honestly one of my favorite aspects of the comic so far :achilles-wonder:
hi batty i dont know if you read these comments but just letting you know i just noticed this page is missing the little “characters” link for chloe and pepper :pepper-surprise:
I love that the shading shapes on Pepper’s shirt change from rectangles in the 3rd panel to diamonds in the 4th panel.
Yess I was worried about the squares on the last page!
and the highlight on his face is a diamond in the 3rd panel!!!
Chloe had a diamond highlight on her cheek in the same place a few pages back… huh. Interesting.
As he realized why Chloe was there! It’s great! :pepper-1:
Pepper did it yall, now he must make grilled cheese for her
THE MAN, THE LEGEND, THE DOG, when we most needed him, he didn’t drop the ball.
He did it! He read the room!
yessssss pepper let’s GOOOOOOOOOOOOO
Good boy!
I know that it’s REALLY NOT FAIR to make this association, but I fear the possibility of Pepper being a mirror of the adult who was in Chloe’s memory. I WANT TO BELIEVE HE’LL HELP HER. But I’m afraid that this comic is… basically a funny colorful animal-ified recurrence of The Incident that led to Chloe’s trauma. Like, I can /so easily/ see Pepper not being the good guy here. The ‘understanding, you can talk to me any time’ kind of person who you feel comfortable with, you get close to, but then like… Maybe things go down a bad path. One thing leads to another. And suddenly you’re in a situation you never should have been in. I’ve /seen/ first-hand grooming situations that started perfectly innocent but slowly changed into something they should never have been.
I hold onto the hope that Pepper is JUST here to be support for Chloe, nothing more.
This will **NOT** happen😤😤
I have too much faith in Pepper. He’s had some lapses in judgement but he’s ultimately a good person
Even better than a good person – a good doggo!
Not to be rude, but I feel like you’re projecting a LOT on Pepper here. Like an uncomfortable amount. Pepper isn’t perfect but we’ve been given no reason to suspect him of any serious wrongdoing and it’s a bit of a leap to go from “dog boy welcomes you in and listens to you” to “dog boy is a groomer.”
Pepper has been doing things that make people trust him*. Someone could be doing things to get people to trust them in order to abuse them later. However, nothing has indicated that Pepper has any ill intent, and he has shown genuine care for the people around him on multiple occasions. Just because someone is acting trustworthy doesn’t mean they can’t be trusted.
*When he’s not busy money laundering or being nosy.
If Pepper was a representation of the abuser, I don’t think he would be so afraid and vulnerable in the hierarchy of the Halo Head world.
Pepper is going to die from stress being the only functional adult on the island
PEPPER I WUV U 🥺 also u have something on ur shirt when’d that happen
He still hasn’t cleaned Achillies’ blood off of his shirt. He’s been to busy preventing things from going south. :pepper-scruffy:
Don’t trust him, last time he got a taste for blood. Now he wants it fresh not dried up
Good boy, Pepper:achilles-prrr:
LETS GO PEP!!! Also did achilles’s blood stain peppers shirt lol
I knew you could do it pepper
Good Dog!
Chloe: Is that blood?
Pepper: Not mine.
Thank you Pepper. I was so anxious about how he would respond, and this is… this is what I was hoping for
GOOD DOG!! :hearts:
STILL THE #1 BOYFRIEND! :peachy-aaa:
oh thank god he read the room and the squares the diamonds…. thankg god.
Bro really almost said “Just go climb a tree and eat a peach or something” like dude, she’s trying to reach out and forgive you for that “Everything’s a joke to you” comment (Even tho you didn’t realize you fucked up) like holy crap she needs someone to cut her a fuckin break, please be nice…
Bloodstain is half the size that it was on the previous page. That’s all.
well, his arm shifted, so it may just be a shift in visible perspective. however it could also be an artistic choice, maybe to indicate pepper putting aside what has been on his mind since the walk he and achilles took to the edge?
This feels fantastic to read
I can feel the wind shifting from the collective sigh of readers all around the world,,
How is Chloe so cute in the 2nd panel??!
pepper went from regular lighting to blocky lighting to diamond lighting,,,,
Turn back around Chloe you know you want to :pepper-onedge:
Wait he would’ve seen the book when she turned around. Did that influence his decision lol
Also batty you forgot to tag this one :batty-long:
Well, that was close! Thank god for Pepper for being a functional adult.
LET’S HEAR IT FOR THE BOY :pepper-1::hearts:
pepper I’m on my hands and knees begging u please do not pry please don’t fuck this up. the whole halo head fanbase is depending on u
Is that blood on peppers shirt??
It’s Achilles’ blood, from when he borrowed it during his sleepover.
Ohhh that makes more sense lol
two things: pepper changes his mind his as she turns her body, revealing the book she’s holding.
theres also a weird something off on the right side of the second panel, looks like chloe but a motion blur? im half wondering if its an error or not lol
that’s just how motion is shown throughout the comic, there’s a couple other places it shows up like this, such as mars putting a sticky note on pepper’s head or pepper handing the dumbell to achilles. honestly one of my favorite aspects of the comic so far :achilles-wonder:
ahh i see! its her turning around. it was hard to make out at first lol
Pepper you poor dog I hope you get some fuckin sleep once you make her feel better
oh i just clocked. mars already finds pepper concerning, theres probably gonna be a conflict between the three of em sometime soon 0 0)”’
Pepper really stepping into that Protector role
hi batty i dont know if you read these comments but just letting you know i just noticed this page is missing the little “characters” link for chloe and pepper :pepper-surprise: