*angry Chloe noises*
It’s a mystery.
you mean *profound*
she should start a podcast
god she is so right
I wonder if Chloe will try to become goo?
can we get 100 pages of chloe just saying stuff
oh. I read it as “you go into a cocoon and turn into god like” and was dying laughing for a solid 30 seconds
Yeah I kept seeing “the god” in the 3rd panel specifically, messed me up
Hmmm, some insane symbolism is happening with the whole metamorphosis theme for sure Just don’t know what it is
“#389 turn into goo” fine………..
the caterpillar goo is right there Chloe it is listening I promise
it’s not lost on me the metaphorical butterfly is chloe and Claire’s colors put together
Metaphor metaphor metaphor metaph
Metamorphosis is thought to have evolved from molting, they didn’t really die a million times turning to goo. But if you said that to her she’d probably throw something at you for ruining her bit.
She has a point…
so you’re saying… if it takes a thousand tries
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*angry Chloe noises*
It’s a mystery.
you mean *profound*
she should start a podcast
god she is so right
I wonder if Chloe will try to become goo?
can we get 100 pages of chloe just saying stuff
oh. I read it as “you go into a cocoon and turn into god like” and was dying laughing for a solid 30 seconds
Yeah I kept seeing “the god” in the 3rd panel specifically, messed me up
Hmmm, some insane symbolism is happening with the whole metamorphosis theme for sure
Just don’t know what it is
“#389 turn into goo” fine………..
the caterpillar goo is right there Chloe it is listening I promise
it’s not lost on me the metaphorical butterfly is chloe and Claire’s colors put together
Metaphor metaphor metaphor metaph
Metamorphosis is thought to have evolved from molting, they didn’t really die a million times turning to goo. But if you said that to her she’d probably throw something at you for ruining her bit.
She has a point…
so you’re saying… if it takes a thousand tries