#33 good morning achilles by BATSHAPED on November 9, 2020 at 10:26 am Characters: Achilles, Chloe, Mars
crabs! crabs! crabs! crabs! crabs!
happy not birthday to all 4 of achilles’ trans knives (i know it’s lighting but i just think they’re neat)
i hope he doesn’t think about doing awful things with them later:knife:
…crabs? :steak:
Lil business man:achilles-prrr:
that first panel is so great – such an encapsulated moment! and his teefs… :hearts:
the third panel… Hmmm…
This is how I start my day
:pepper-surprise: Potential Spoilers abound! Read with cation!:pepper-surprise:
woah! wait a minute Achilles DOES have claws? but only on his feet? but no claws for his hands hmm interesting…
his little MOUSE TOY on his BED awwwww! :achilles-plush: