Achilles acknowledging the value of Claire’s work earlier, and now Claire telling Achilles that his work is valuable, with some very blatant symbolism of Mars being made after Chloe and Achilles being made after Claire?
well his shadow is being eclipsed by hers bc the light is coming from the doorway but i do find the way it’s framed very interesting, it might have some symbolic significance but i can’t figure it out yet
His head though should have a shadow though with how it’s framed. It might not be a “looming over him” type of deal. It may be more of a “these guys aren’t real like Clair and Chloe” thing. Though who knows? It could have many meanings.
Ugh, Clair looks so gorgeous in that third panel. What a cool way to render evening light and shadow
Achilles acknowledging the value of Claire’s work earlier, and now Claire telling Achilles that his work is valuable, with some very blatant symbolism of Mars being made after Chloe and Achilles being made after Claire?
It hurts, in a fun way
… is it just me, or is Claire’s shadow the only shadow looming over Achilles’? Does Achilles have a shadow at all here?
well his shadow is being eclipsed by hers bc the light is coming from the doorway but i do find the way it’s framed very interesting, it might have some symbolic significance but i can’t figure it out yet
His head though should have a shadow though with how it’s framed. It might not be a “looming over him” type of deal. It may be more of a “these guys aren’t real like Clair and Chloe” thing. Though who knows? It could have many meanings.
“You said you think in pictures…I think maybe I do too”
Oh you mean like your extremely literal visual metaphor, Achilles?