:achilles-happy: oh the delight I get from this one
Oh god I just realised that this means Achilles might know even more sensitive information about Halo Head (person and location)
In the previous page she took out a file marked “pepper” so it’s possible she took out any sensitive information before letting him at the cabinet He still probably knows more than anyone else, but none of the juicy stuff
I imagine she’s just got a page with the hate monologue from IHNMAIMS in there
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:achilles-happy: oh the delight I get from this one
Oh god I just realised that this means Achilles might know even more sensitive information about Halo Head (person and location)
In the previous page she took out a file marked “pepper” so it’s possible she took out any sensitive information before letting him at the cabinet
He still probably knows more than anyone else, but none of the juicy stuff
I imagine she’s just got a page with the hate monologue from IHNMAIMS in there