I wonder if she’ll make the wrong connection that Clair had something to do with her plate disappearing since she also tried to take the book until Chloe noticed
Shoutout to pepper for being that one friend who’s willing to say “hey dummy, you’re ok and things are going to be ok” cause its all too easy to just let all the negatives stack up and weigh on you without seeing the positives. Have one of those people in my life, and to them it might just be saying dumb little confirmations but it helps more than you realize. If you guys know anyone whos a chloe, maybe try and be a pepper once and a while for them.
rare post-staircase pepper w on this page…. Can He Take It Home Or Does Disaster Still Lurk Pages Ahead……………… :peachy-stare::peachy-stare::peachy-stare:
Chloe never just gets what she wants, and so her getting EXACTLY what she silently begged for (Pepper holding her close and helping her feel better) is such a nice break. I hadn’t realized just how stressed EVERYONE is in this story until I got to this point and realized what a weight off I felt seeing someone stopping to focus on HER for once.
Trying to ground her, focus on the little victories, good boy :pepper-1:
I wonder if she’ll make the wrong connection that Clair had something to do with her plate disappearing since she also tried to take the book until Chloe noticed
Left eye pointedly hidden in the last three panels, hoooh boy… :batty-long:
Is that a book in your- wait mars already said this :clair-what2:
God she’s precious:clair-despair:
Super powerful dry pants indeed
What if this leads to Chloe actually reading the book (assuming she didn’t when Pepper left her at his house)
well? did you check your pants for the plate? here, I’ll help–
Shoutout to pepper for being that one friend who’s willing to say “hey dummy, you’re ok and things are going to be ok” cause its all too easy to just let all the negatives stack up and weigh on you without seeing the positives. Have one of those people in my life, and to them it might just be saying dumb little confirmations but it helps more than you realize. If you guys know anyone whos a chloe, maybe try and be a pepper once and a while for them.
Pants are powerful! That’s why we should give every pair some pockets that fits an entire plate into it!
pants is the driest place things can be saved at
rare post-staircase pepper w on this page…. Can He Take It Home Or Does Disaster Still Lurk Pages Ahead……………… :peachy-stare::peachy-stare::peachy-stare:
rainy days make best for reading :pepper-1:
Chloe never just gets what she wants, and so her getting EXACTLY what she silently begged for (Pepper holding her close and helping her feel better) is such a nice break. I hadn’t realized just how stressed EVERYONE is in this story until I got to this point and realized what a weight off I felt seeing someone stopping to focus on HER for once.