I think it’s been waning. in 235 it’s clearly full, 366 it’s a waning gibbous. Here it’s third quarter. There’s probably other instances between the two I mentioned but that’s what I found at a glance. I do wonder if there’s going to be The Big Conflict/Reveal at the new moon phase
ngl i thought it was a Peach and Peachykeen was just planting Peach Mines all over the island to cause ~~~ D r a m a ~~~ :peachy-aaa::peachy-aaa::peachy-aaa:
I love the subtle actions you do with some of these pages. The shot of her tucking the book into her shorts is specifically there bc if she had to keep the book in her hand, it would be much more difficult to cross her arms in the third panel or throw them up in the fourth. And at this point she clearly cares way too much about the book (and maybe Pepper?) to just throw it on the ground and the mud. It’s such a nice detail that shows a side of her that does actually think things through.
i love how much these two remind of of bubblegum/marceline – very complicated, emotional and yet somewhat loveable dynamic! i hope we get to see more of that in the future :thesmoocher:
has the moon always/ever looked like that?
nope. i thing it signifies a split between chloe and clair
I think it’s been waning. in 235 it’s clearly full, 366 it’s a waning gibbous. Here it’s third quarter. There’s probably other instances between the two I mentioned but that’s what I found at a glance. I do wonder if there’s going to be The Big Conflict/Reveal at the new moon phase
The world is against her… Time to crash with Peachy in the trees :peachy-stare:
ngl i thought it was a Peach and Peachykeen was just planting Peach Mines all over the island to cause ~~~ D r a m a ~~~ :peachy-aaa::peachy-aaa::peachy-aaa:
Hello from book butt (again) :chloe-onice:
that is forever her name now
Behold. the new Trash Boat:chloe-bored:
:chloe-happy: “What would you say if I changed my name to… Book Butt?”
:mars-wtf: “I’d say you’re a total loser”
Butt armor activated (mooning the moon)
aw c’mon a little mudbutt never hurts once in a while
builds character
they kind of already had a sleepover. just that chloe doesn’t know it. and clair was on her ass during it
Wait there is a star in FRONT of the moon. So it’s not in quarter it just fuckin half exploded :peachy-aaa:
chloe handshake emote clair wadda ya MEAN i now have to deal with the CONSEQUENCES of my ACTIONS/CHOICES this is HOMOPHOBIA. DISGUSTING
could always go hang out with Peachy again
There is one character in the cast she hasn’t hung out with yet :knife:
why fear the ground when you have
FULL CHEEK COVERAGE:peachy-menacing:
Damn. Guess Chloe’s only option now is to look for somewhere else to stay and accidentally discover The Stairs™ in the process. 😔
Yeah girl fuck that
I love the subtle actions you do with some of these pages. The shot of her tucking the book into her shorts is specifically there bc if she had to keep the book in her hand, it would be much more difficult to cross her arms in the third panel or throw them up in the fourth. And at this point she clearly cares way too much about the book (and maybe Pepper?) to just throw it on the ground and the mud. It’s such a nice detail that shows a side of her that does actually think things through.
….Go to him.
i love how much these two remind of of bubblegum/marceline – very complicated, emotional and yet somewhat loveable dynamic! i hope we get to see more of that in the future :thesmoocher:
Welp, time to make mud pies!
the moon looks so cool and i keep forgetting to look here